Further and faster with luxury

Powerplay Catamarans Further and faster with luxury
American and international cruising boaties will soon have the choice of the superb,Australian designed Powerplay brand of luxury Powerplay catamarans, now Available in the Americas.
Australian builder Thailand based Powerplay these cats are renowned for their quality, economical composite construction, elegant aesthetics and high-speed performance. A name well-known in the international boat building realm, James Dewing has more than 40 years’ experience. He is acclaimed for his unique, modern designs for commercial and recreational models in demand by discerning yachties in Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, Bahamas and the US.

Company founder and lead designer, James Dewing said his background in service and refit compelled him to dedicate his career to building premium multihulls. “In my 40 years as a boat builder, from designing and building all types of vessels, I came to the conclusion that the happiest boaters had catamarans,” said James. “At my Australian shipyard, Townsville Slipways, I serviced and repaired more than 200 boats a year from normal annual maintenance to full refits and repairs. In North Queensland, Barrier Reef country is a boating paradise with many secluded and out of the way places reserved forthe privileged few to enjoy nature’s extreme beauty. A power cat will get you there. Further, faster with power to play,” Over four decades, James has honed his designs based on input from loyal owners and operators.
James identified the main features cat owners specify as must-haves: “Number one, a good looking boat; interiors designed with the owner’s involvement; unbeatable performance from slender low drag hull design; high bridge deck clearance and V-sections forward for comfort; fine entry and full bows for recovery in head seas; weight centred for reduced pitching; good side decks and handrails; safe dinghy access from inside hulls and easy boarding from dockside or for swimmers; jacuzzi, a super cool item especially at sunset and when the sea is not that inviting; separate fishing deck to keep the fish out of the cockpit; master cabin on main deck with walk around bed; good vision from helm with view of the extremities when docking; trampolines as standard build, solid foredeck as an option; beaching keels protecting running gear and grounding; plenty of storage.James has now developed the next ‘Generation 4’ 2019 Ocean Winner 65 (19m) and 75 (22m) models. in Pattaya, a new 65 G4 model available for sale April 2019 and completed to your requirements.
“This beautiful, new boat offers the owners a greater range and load carrying capability, powerful Cummins Zeus pod drives Or Volvo IPS capable of speeds reaching 25+ knots and allowing long haul high cruise speeds in comfort. The slender deep hulls developed over many years deliver stability Speed that’s second to none.”
James is confident the American market will be quick to take up the Powerplay Gen 4 range of luxury catamarans as they are super competitively priced. The 65 will have an introductory price of $1.648 million, which for a 20m Luxury multihull that is head and shoulders above anything in its class is exceptional value.”