An Introduction to Our Amazing Yachts
Foremost, POWERPLAY Catamarans deliver customized interiors to the size and arrangement to meet your requirements. I believe the customer with years of experience knows the boat they want and contribute to the best possible design with involvement in every detail. The normal progression to arrive at the decision to build (move up) to the boat you want is from sailing and powerboat experience. When sailing catamarans one will soon realize how often you are motoring with power to head upwind or even in no wind. How often have you been sailing and your destination is right on the nose? So why not with a little extra power get there faster and in more comfort!
You may also consider in a power cat, of around 50 to 60 feet, the huge cost of the rig and sails alone will buy a life time of fuel. You spend a lot of time motoring. It really makes sense to enjoy your boating life style in a power cat which delivers incredible performance and economic value, not forgetting that you always have 2 motors for peace of mind.
Economic value for more range and higher speeds for your dollar. Low prime build cost.
Safety without the risk of harm with huge loads on sails and rigs.
In my 40 years’ experience as a boat builder, from designing and building all types of vessels, I came to the conclusion that the happiest boaters had catamarans. At my shipyard, Townsville Slipways, I serviced and repaired more than 200 boats a year from normal annual maintenance to full refits and repairs. In north Queensland, Barrier reef country is a boating paradise. Many secluded and out of the way places reserved for the privileged few to enjoy nature’s extreme beauty. A power cat will get you further and faster with power to play with. A luxury experience in remote paradise.
As I become a father and with a young family, my wife Nicole and I decided to build our first power catamaran. We got the crayons out and designed POWERPLAY One for ourselves as a family boat, with a cabin for everyone and a spare for mates. The kids loved it compared to our slow tippy sailing yacht, Calista. The Gameboys were soon traded in for fishing rods, snorkel, flippers, buckets and spades. She was soon put into commercial service to earn her keep, and 14 years later still is the highest earning charter boat in the Whitsundays.
Later, I received an order for a bigger one the 48 with the inclusion of the aft fishing deck. POWERPLAY 3 commission came along, and we designed the game chair literally on the back of a coaster over several beers at the motor boat club. The design brief was “where we gonna put the game chair” and “Can I go faster, I want 28 knots”; that’s how the curved transom came about to fit the Pompannet game chair. I might add we proceeded full computer modelling after our beery moment. She’s now still chartering in the Dominican Republic, catching big fish.
Over the years, the developments from the owners have designed POWERPLAY today.

The clear features and must haves are:
» Number one, a good looking boat.
» Interiors designed with the owner’s involvement.
» Unbeatable performance from slender low drag hull design.
» High bridge deck clearance and V sections forward for comfort.
» Fine entry and full bows for recovery in head seas.
» Weight centred for reduced pitching.
» Good side decks and handrails.
» Safe dinghy access from inside hulls and easy boarding from dockside or for swimmers.
» Jacuzzi, a super cool item especially at sunset and when the sea is not that inviting.
» Separate fishing deck to keep the blood and guts out of the cockpit.
» Master cabin on main deck with walk around bed.
» Good vision from helm with view of the extremities when docking.
» Trampolines as standard build, solid foredeck as an option.
» Beaching keels for protection of running gear and grounding.
» Plenty of storage.
Engine options: Volvo IPS vs. Cummins Zeus saga
In my opinion, the performance is the same and both deliver the incredible features manoeuvrability fuel savings. The joystick is a super cool feature and eliminates the need for bow thrusters. If you have ever tried to compare yourself from the information on the web you will find the tabulated specifications are almost impossible to compare. Volvo has the weight advantage of 384kgs Up to 435hp above that the V2 pod is required which is much larger and heavier. Forward facing props are protected by keels
At 480hp the Cummins pod has the weight advantage Up to 750hp. However, I do recommend that there is local dealer service available. Yanmar engines suit Power play under 56’ or larger if the delivery is remote and service is not available.
A Yanmar engine has the advantage of being able to be repaired by a local truck mechanic if the unlikely ever arises.
The pod drives tend to require the extra clever guys which usually inhabit the areas around big cities.
Electrical systems:
By far my preferred system is Mastervolt /BEP and Panda generators. Lithium ion batteries are upfront in the specification.
Czone Can buss is an option. A bit tricky to set up, but once established is set and forget with many system configurations it can make your boat very smart. Having said that, if you ever do have problems you need to find someone smarter than me to solve it. That can be expensive!
Power catamarans need to be light for every Kg saved in construction is another kg fuel you can carry, more fuel more range more speed – simple physics! In today’s fiberglass boatbuilding industry, composite construction is recognized by all certifying bodies. Vacuum infusion and vacuum moulding is a standard practice, and every factory is improving weight saving and strength. We are pretty good at it. I have adopted CE class one offshore certification as standard.
James has now developed the next Generation 3 (G3): POWERPLAY 62 and 72 (19m and 22m). This beautiful, new boat offers the owners a greater range and load carrying capability, powerful Cummins Zeus pod drives capable of speeds reaching 30 knots and allowing long haul high cruise speeds in comfort. The slender deep hulls developed through 10 years of experience are behind
Our Chartered Boats
Sit back and enjoy the ride, as this state of the art power cat carries you to the ultimate in island and ocean adventure. Voyaging between each destination is an experience in itself, as these air conditioned vessels carve their way at speed through the magnificent vistas, that pass you by. Speed matters! Covering great distances quickly enables you to explore more of the World’s pleasures…more than enough to fulfill your inner wanderlust…
Leading the way with your POWERPLAY, whether diving some of the World’s best dive sites, snorkelling through a wonderland of underwater gardens or simply kicking back in the shallows of a sun drenched beach and then indulging yourself in the luxury of a warm spa bath at sunset… On a POWERPLAY Charter vessel, you’ll relax and enjoy the World’s best scenery in comfort and style.
POWERPLAY is able to design, any layout required, from backpackers accommodation to the luxury interiors normally associated with the larger vessel charter industry. You can have the white walled, wash out finish…right up to the beautifully polished finish of the luxury class.